Ganjam town, Ganjam District, Orissa, India
Fax: 91- 6811- 64314, Tel: 91-6811-64255, 64314 (O), 64164 (R)
S. B. A/c No. C & I- 1/29, State Bank of India, Ganjam Branch, Branch code no. 3816
UAA, based in Ganjam district of Orissa since 1966, is headquartered at Ganjam town, at a distance of 140 Km. towards south from Bhubaneswar, the state capital.
Legal Status
United Artists Association ( UAA is a voluntary organisation, registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860, in 1967 at Cuttack. It is registered with the Ministry of Home Affairs, to receive foreign contribution. It is also registerd with the Commissioner of Income Tax, Orissa.
History, Philosophy, Aims and Strategy:
Welfare activities were initiated as early as 1964 by its constituent youth clubs to implement a Government drinking water supply scheme. By 1965 different youth clubs came together to work under a single umbrella and raised funds through cultural programmes & drama to be used for welfare and emergency relief and establishment of educational institutions. Thus the organisation derived its name UNITED ARTISTS ASSOCIATION. Volunteers working in their spare time carried out all activities. Voluntarism was the guiding philosophy of the organisation. The founding members of the organisation got themselves involved in generating awareness among the local people, fisher-folk and farmers about the environmental hazards caused by a chemical industry. The peoples struggle continued for more than a decade, which resulted in legal and administrative measures by the Government to prevent, water and air pollution. Up to the year 1977 UAA worked exclusively with its own funds. In 1978,the first government funded Balwadi and Creche programme was taken up. During the next decade UAA stepped up its involvement in the rural areas, with the objectives of enabling a process of development for the disadvantaged sections of society.
UAA expanded its area of operation through integrated development interventions with external funding, in a phased manner. Programmes included community organisation, education, health and sanitation, training, social forestry, income generating activities and also technology-oriented projects. UAA has adopted a genuine ` bottom-up strategy to ensure the involvement of the community in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the programme.
UAA has an office, training complex, a warehouse and community learning centre in Ganjam town. It has also another training centre with accommodation facility for staff, trainers and guests at Nolia Nuagaon, 6 Km. from Ganjam town. At present the organisation has 6 motor cycles, 3 mopeds and two computers. The office is well equipped with telephone and fax.
The total staff strength of UAA is 15 ( 10 men + 5 women ). It has 350 volunteers.
Human Resources:
Project Director - 1
Community Organisation Coordinator - 1
Health Coordinator - 1
Livelihood Coordinator & consultant - 2
Civil Engineer - 3
Accounts Consultant - 1
Accounts Manager - 1
Accounts Assistant - 1
Computer Operator - 1
Store keeper - 1
Care taker - 2
Volunteers(Unpaidready to any time any where)-350
Mission statement:
UAA is committed to establish a non-exploitative, gender and human rights sensitive, environment friendly, hunger free and self- reliant society in Orissa.
Enabling the marginalised communities to lead a dignified life by improving their education, health and economic status through gainful employment, improved living conditions and a gender/ human rights sensitised society.
Focus groups and partners:
UAA works with fisher folk, tribals, dalits (Scheduled castes), and other backward castes in Ganjam and Puri districts of Orissa. Currently, it is funded by Action Aid, to implement the integrated development programme in 15 fishing villages. UNICEF also provides support to UAA to carryout water and sanitation programme in the district of Ganjam through its 14 Block level NGOs and their local partner CBOs.
UAA has also executed disaster relief and rehabilitation work in the wake of floods, droughts and cyclone . Following the 1999 super cyclone, UAA has meaningfully intervened in providing relief and implementing the rehabilitation programme in the cyclone affected villages of Ganjam district with the support from OXFAM, Indo-German Social Service Society, ActionAid, ICCO and Save the Children.
Programme Capabilities:
In the course of 36 years of development work at the grassroots level, the organisation has acquired rich experience in working with a cross-section of disadvantaged communities. The organisation has special skills in community organisation work, and the process of building up peoples organisations, It also enjoys active support and co-operation of the state, district and Block level officials. As one of the leading organisations in the state, it has a high standing as a reliable and committed voluntary organisation in Government circles. This is born out by the fact that the Government has nominated UAA to various state and district level consultative/advisory committees from time to time. Funding agencies too, hold a very favorable impression of UAA, because of its reach at the grassroots level, consistency in field involvement and judicious handling of funds. Since 1995 the Government of Orissa has identified UAA as a nodal agency for implementation of the Rural Sanitation programme through its partner organisations. UNICEF too has also recognised UAA as a nodal agency and funded for implementation of the CDD- WATSAN programme in the district of Ganjam. To coordinate the intervention of NGOs in the cyclone affected pockets of the district, UAA has been nominated by the UN House as the coordinating agency. UAA has promoted 500 Women SHGs in Ganjam and Puri district through the partner NGOs and CBOs. In the year 2001 the organisation is being honored with a State Level Award from the State IYV Committee headed by The Chief minister.
Organisations Work & Achivements:
Community organisation & relief work
-Organised the farmers & fisher people
- Organised the youth
- Helped the farmers and fisher people to get Govt. & non-Govt. relief.
- Generated awareness on the environmental Hazards caused by a chemical industry.
- Established a public library.
Community organisation
- Govt. enacted law for preventing water and air pollution.
Organised youth festival.
-Community organisation with emphasis
-Promoted a Dairy Cooperative Society.on development of women and children.
- Condensed Course of Education for adult women.
-Established a Girls High school.
-Initiated economic generating porgramme for the women. Started Creche and Balwadi centre for children.
-Educational activities
- Started Early childhood Education for the children of 3-6 age group.
- Started 30 adult education centres in Ganjam Block.
- Established a Girls M.E.School.
-Vocational Training
Devp. of fishing community
- Tailoring training conducted for women.
- Conducted Socio-economic survey in fishing villages.
Community Organisation
- Constructed minor irrigation tanks, Pisci culture tanks. Village link road and Community center-cum-cyclone shelters in Ganjam Block.Promoted savings and credit in fishing villages.
Organised farmers
-Constructed a diversion weir
-atiambagam in Hinjilicut Block
- Preserved a monument of archeological and cultural importance .
- Conducted training for the rural youth living under the poverty line under the TRYSEM.
School health programme
- Conducted training for the teachers & Students.
Educational activities
- Improved enrollment of children in Primary Schools in fishing villages.
Water Sanitation and health education in school
- Trained students and teachers involved in Improving the health status in villages.
- Water & sanitation status in schools of Ganjam & puri districts improved.
Social Forestry Programme
- Implemented in tribal villages of Polasara Block in Ganjam district.
Skill development
- Conducted hand pump care takers training.
Community organisation
- Promoted Block level Peoples organisations.
Human Resource Development
-Conducted training and workshop on water, health, sanitation & universal immunisation programme.
Emergency relief operation &
Rehabilitation programme
- Reconstructed traditional houses. - Rehabilitated farmers & artisans.
- Promoted a district level farmers organisation.
Fisher peoples development programme
- Conducted a study on the degradation of ecology & problems of the fisher people depending on Chilika.
- Promoted a state level fisher peoples organisation.
Human resource development
- Conducted training for NGOs.
- Established nurseries.
Tribal Devp. programme
- Supported tribal organisations for improving the irrigation facility.
Water & Sanitation programme
- Organised theatre workshop.
- Established bio gas plants.
- Organised camps for the disableds.
-Promoted a district level forum for Disadvantaged women.
Womens development water & sanitation programme.
Established a regional resource Centre, on water and sanitation.
Promoted Ferro-cement technology.
Fisher people devp.Prg.
- Promoted womens organisations.
Human resource development
Capacity building of CBOs.
-Conducted training for NGOs
- Conducted training of women on Hand pump maintenance.
- Established women sanitary complex.
Relief & rehabilitation Water & sanitation Programme
Organised relief & rehabilitation programme in Ganjam district benefiting 7000 households
Developed 12 village as Model village with community based drinking water & sanitation development where in women organization of 2nd ladder families was the outcome.
2000- 2001
Water and Sanitation
Developed 234 village as Model village with community based drinking water & sanitation development where in women organization of 2nd ladder families was the outcome
Rehabilitation of project affected persons by a minor irrigation project
Organized 1516 families to get their legal dues and linked 48 families with bank to take up micro entrepreneurship as self-employment.
Disaster preparedness
The organisation in collaboration with its partner organisations organized a signature collection campaign from the volunteers who are willing to work in any emergency situation. This resulted in creation of a cadre of 2500 volunteers to work any where at any time in Orissa.
Community based water and sanitation.
Got recognition as District nodal NGO to implement community based drinking water supply and sanitation.
Capacity building of NGOs
Institutionalized a district level NGO/ CBO net work comprising of 217 civil society organisations.
Protection of marine ecology
Organized a state level workshop to develop a common action plan on the subject for taking up campaign to generate awareness.
Soon after the cyclone the volunteers of UAA moved to the villages to asses the loss with the help of the community leaders/youths and the SHG members. They organised the village community to avail relief from Government as a matter of right and monitored smooth distribution of the available relief materials. UAA also appealed to the donor partners and the like minded NGOs to provide support to the cyclone ravaged community. The volunteers of UAA with the help of local community and the partner CBOs organised the relief and rehabilitation activities with the support from Action Aid, OXFAM, IGSSS, Save the Children (U.K)/PREM and ECHO/GAA in the district of Ganjam.-
1. Collaborated with OXFAM in providing relief and rehabilitation measures for 7000 households in Ganjam district through 2 women organisations and 1 farmers organisation. Involved in the process of identification of beneficiaries and distribution of fishing nets to 1000 marine fisher families and 1200 inland fisher families. Established 104 Seeds Banks and 10 Agro-ServiceCenters in Ganjam district. Provided livestock like Cattle and goats for rehabilitation of the cyclone and drought affected house holds in Ganjam district.
2. Collaborated with Save the Children in providing emergency relief to 2000 households through CBOs.
3. Collaborated with ICCO in rehabilitation of 201 fisher households by providing fishing nets & boats .
4. Collaborated with IGSSS in providing the relief (clothes & utensils ) to 700 households of Chatrapur & Purushottampur Block.
5. Collaborated with Action Aid in providing relief in 9 fishing villages of Ganjam district. Plastic sheets were provided to 900 households. Health camps were organized. Renovated 7 wells and installed 16 shallow hand pumps. Provided support to 168 households for construction/repair of traditional houses @ Rs.3000/ household.
6. Collaborated with ECHO/German Agro Action through its partner organisation in Orissa in providing emergency relief i.e. rice, dal, pressed rice and jaggery to 2800 households of Ganjam district. Clothes and Plastic sheets distributed to 500 households of Ganjam & Chatrapur block. Organised 10 health camps, benefiting 3567 households. Provided utensils to 500 affected households of Chatrapur and Ganjam block. Canal work, pond renovation, construction of villages drain and land development were taken up under the Food for Work Programme in 16 villages of Ganjam and Chatrapur Block through 2 women organisatios and 2 youth organisations. 8 open wells repaired, dewatering done, platforms of 5 tube wells constructed and 620ft. long drain constructed.
7. Collaborated with LWS in providing emergency relief in Ganjam and Chatrapur Block through women organisations and village committee.
8. collaborated with Unicef to take up a sanitation and water development drive in 127 cyclone affected villages of Ganjam district.
Financial Management:
UAA is wedded to the principle of transparency in the matter of financial management since its very birth.
Two highly qualified and experienced staff maintains the accounts of the organisation. Computerization of accounts has also been done. The Secretary and Vice-president of the organisation jointly operate the Bank accounts of the organisation. the latter, a senior lecturer in a Government Aided Collage, is one of the distinguished unpaid volunteers of UAA. Most of the payments are made through cheque. All major purchases are made after obtaining approval of the Purchase Committee. 3 quotations are invited, comperative statements made and placed before the purchase committee for decision. In case of construction the qualified technical persons prepare works plans and estimates and administrative approval accorded by the Secretary before the work is taken up. Muster rolls and measurements books are maintained, wherever necessary.
The accounts of the organisation are audited by Mahapatra & Mahapatra, Charted Accountants, Bhubaneswar. The accounts of all SHGs, sponsored by UAA, operating in Ganjam and Puri districts have been audited by S.Padhy & Associates, Charted Accountants, Bhubaneswar.
Programme Management:
The programme of UAA is managed by Mangaraj, Secretary of UAA with the help of 15 staff members, 350 volunteers and 18 CBOs. The Executive Body generally meets 6 times a year. It reviews the programmes, performance of the staff and suggests measures for meaningful intervention in the project villages. The General Body meets once a year. It takes policy decision, suggests programme and measures to further improve the programme management. Organogram in annexure I.
Monitoring & Evaluation:
The UAA staff and the community organisers of the peoples organisations have been trained on the PRI techniques, monitoring, evaluation and management of CBOs. The Core Team of UAA comprising the Secretary and Programme Coordinators review programmes on monthly basis. Cluster level meetings are being held fortnightly with the coordinators, field staff and representatives of the CBOs to take stock of the different programmes. Adequate emphasis has been given for capacity building of CBOs.
a. Development of education of the tribal children;
b. Promotion and Institutionalisation of the women Self Help Groups;
c. Promotion of sustainable livelihood initiative for marine fisherfolk and tribal community
d. Promotion and development of Agro-Forestry;
e. Promotion of Gender Sensitized Community;
f. Reduction of AIDS situation in the district;
g. Strengthening the grass roots democracy;
h. Capacity building of the Marine fisher folk, tribal and dalit Community on Community Based Disaster Management;
i. Campaign to protect childrens rights.