SEEDS volunteers contributed immensely to the ‘first’ public e-library in Odisha named as “Odisha Public e-Library” at Brahmapur city.
The activities that we led to conceptualize, create the plan, and execute, working with the various Govt. officials, are documented at The collaborative efforts started in 2014. By end of 2017 we handed over our responsibilities to Odisha Society of the Americas as a donor and the Brahmapur Municipality Corporation (BMC) as the overall stakeholder and executor. The e-Library is still functioning at the old Town Hall of the city and BMC continues to own and manage it. Occasional, informal visits or advice to the e-library are conducted by SEEDS volunteers and OSA members.
SEEDS-Odisha Volunteers (COVID19)
In 2019, in the aftermath of super-cyclone “Fani”, we had formed a volunteer group to work on relief and restoration work mainly in 3 districts around the landfall. Subsequently, this was group was rechristened as Read more…